Campaign Savvy

Articles: 141 Results
Campaign Savvy wordmark with headshot of Campaign US editor Alison Weissbrot

AI is breaking the agency business model

A tool that promises efficiency and automation is counterintuitive to a time and materials business.

Campaign Savvy wordmark with headshot of Campaign US editor Alison Weissbrot

Media industry has changed, but upfronts remain

The annual buying confab remains a stalwart tradition on the advertising calendar despite profound evolution of the media ecosystem.

Campaign Savvy wordmark with headshot of Campaign US editor Alison Weissbrot

Carpe diem: Digital transformation is poised for a comeback

Generative AI will reignite the need for transformation services and digital agencies must be ready to step up.

Campaign Savvy wordmark with headshot of Campaign US editor Alison Weissbrot

It’s two steps forward, one step back for gender equality

Progress isn’t linear for women in advertising and in society.

Campaign Savvy wordmark with headshot of Campaign US editor Alison Weissbrot

A budding tentpole takes root in Miami Beach

Possible has all the makings of an annual advertising tentpole in an era of efficiency, but lacks a distinct theme.

Campaign Savvy wordmark with headshot of Campaign US editor Alison Weissbrot

Diversity and sustainability drop down adland’s agenda

In a year of economic uncertainty and generative AI capturing the zeitgeist, Campaign’s annual deep dive into the agency sector

Campaign Savvy wordmark with headshot of Campaign US editor Alison Weissbrot

MediaLink-UTA dispute signals end of an era for advertising excess

The lavish lifestyle of media and advertising executives is on the way out in the age of cost-cutting.

Campaign Savvy wordmark with headshot of Campaign US editor Alison Weissbrot

Generative AI is here — but it’s not ready for prime time

The ad industry is experimenting heavily with gen AI, but deploying it widely on client work comes with too many

Campaign Savvy wordmark with headshot of Campaign US editor Alison Weissbrot

An unprecedented attack on DE&I

As corporate and societal DE&I initiatives remain under attack, the industry must push twice as hard to prioritize them.

Campaign Savvy wordmark with headshot of Campaign US editor Alison Weissbrot

Agencies should revisit the recent past as they embrace principal-based buying

Holding company results indicate buying media upfront and reselling it to clients is good for margins — but is it


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